An excellent reconstruction of the original, nicely laid out.
Implementation of a historic BASIC game from the early 1970s, with origins going back even before that. In my advancing age, this requires too much arithmetic in my head to truly still be fun. I'd probably enjoy it much more if there was at least some in-game help with calculations... like showing how many remaining (or insufficient) bushels there'd be, with dialogue boxes left as inputed.
As a Game Designer having played the original it's been a delight playing this one. Takes me back so much so that I want to help improve and design this further. I'm getting oddly addicted again. thank you and love it.
The classic! Thanks for taking me back, excellent job!
Not what i expected... hope i am not charged
Layout was terrible on my screen. Did not fit & no way to scroll. Gameplay had no explanation, so only made sense if you'd played the original old computer game.